DIRECTOR ARTO HALONENArto Halonen has directed numerous films, including the documentary films Pavlov's Dogs, Conquistadors of Cuba, The Tank Man, The Star's Caravan, A Dreamer And The Dreamtribe and Karmapa – Two Ways of Divinity. In 2005 the Minister of Culture in Finland awarded Arto Halonen the Finland Prize, the highest annual prize in the arts given by the Ministry of Culture and the state. Among other important prizes, he has received the Humanitarian Award of the European Union in 1998. Halonen is also the founder and the first festival director of the DocPoint - Helsinki Documentary Film Festival.The Production CompanyArt Films production AFP Ltd develops and produces creative, quality films. The company's main focus has been on documentaries, but fiction and animation projects have also been developed and realized over the years. Art Films, Arto Halonen has been producing films since 1987 and following company Art Films production Ltd since |